Oregon Coast Trail (OCT)
Updated: Dec 16, 2024
A 363-mile long-distance trail that follows the entire length of the Oregon Coast.
The Oregon Coast Trail spans 362 miles (according to Oregon State Parks) or 425 miles (according to the Oregon Coast Trail Foundation) of the Oregon Coast from the Columbia River in the north to the California border in the south. The trail has "gaps" in the trail that are road walking sections along highways and roads until more trail can be made. The Oregon Coast Trail Foundation works to maintain and expand this interconnected trail system. This long-distance trail can be done as day hikes, section hikes, or a thru-hike. There are many ways to recreate and experience this trail and the beautiful coastline it entails.
I came across this long-distance trail a few years ago when researching thru-hiking, but never really considered doing it. My mom has a job in Tillamook and each month I usually go over with her while she works on campus. I played with the idea of hiking some sections of it and sporadically did so. It wasn't until the start of 2024 that I decided to seriously start section hiking it. It took a bit more research than other trails since it's "incomplete" and there isn't as much information out there about it. Preparing for section hiking this trail required a lot of effort on my part by utilizing CalTopo and other resources to plan out different sections. Each time I hiked, especially in the shoulder seasons, I had to be very aware of weather (precipitation & wind), tide tables, and different hazards. I love planning trips almost as much as doing them so I rather enjoyed the research — it felt like a fun puzzle. Below I'll discuss in depth my section hiking approach since I'm utilizing hiking and driving to complete this trail.
Blue - driven section | Pink - hiked section
My Section Hiking Approach
The Oregon Coast Trail is technically incomplete and the road walking sections are "gaps" in trail where no trail exists. So, I decided to do the road sections by vehicle instead of walking on the side of Hwy 101 or other roads that I feel unsafe doing. As more trail is established, I plan to come back and do those sections that were previously road sections. I also plan to add on sections such as capes, spits, and peninsulas to hike as much beach as possible on the Oregon Coast. Some sections I'll do as out and back, round trips when I head out alone and other sections I'll go north or south in a point-to-point hiking style. My intention with section hiking is to cover the Oregon Coast regardless of direction. I don't feel a need for my section hiking to be in a certain continuous direction. I will be trying to do as much of it as possible in a southward direction to avoid winds hitting my front, but besides that my goal is to cover all of the Oregon Coast trail, regardless of how I do it or in what direction. Obviously do whatever feels right for you on your own section hike. My reason for being out is to enjoy exploring and work toward finishing this long-distance trail in a way that works best for me and my body.
A note on how I classify “segments”
My OCT Stats
Progress: 15.79%
Hiked Miles: 56.26
Driven Miles: 115.82
Last updated: December 16, 2024
*Progress is calculated by completed segments.
Explore by Segments:
I broke up segments into separate posts or else this post would be a mile long and impossible to navigate. I'll link to each segment as I complete it. So if there isn't a link for a certain section it's because I haven't completed it yet.
North Coast
Segment 1 — North Terminus to Sunset Beach
Segment 2 — Sunset Beach to Seaside
Segment 3 — Ecola State Park to Humbug Point
Segment 4 — Humbug Point to Manzanita
Segment 5 —Manzanita to Twin Rocks
North Central Coast
Segment 10 — Nestucca Bay to Cascade Head
Segment 13 — Pirate Cove to Schooner Point
Segment 14 — Schooner Point to Thiel Creek
Segment 15 — Thiel Creek to Alsea Bay
Central Coast
Segment 16 — Alsea Bay to Yachats
Segment 17 — Yachats to Rock Creek
Segment 18 — Rock Creek to Sutton Creek
Segment 19 — Sutton Creek to Goose Pasture
Segment 20 — Goose Pasture to Tahkenitch Creek
Segment 21 — Tahkenitch Creek to Umpqua River
Segment 22 — Umpqua River to Clear Lake
Segment 23 — Clear Lake to Beale Lake
South Central Coast
Segment 24 — Beale Lake to Coos Bay
Segment 25 — Coos Bay to Pigeon Point
Segment 26 — Pigeon Point to Twomile Creek
Segment 27 — Twomile Creek to Coquille Point
Segment 28 — Coquille Point to Fourmile Creek
Segment 29 — Fourmile Creek to Langlois Creek
Segment 30 — Floras Creek to Cape Blanco
Segment 31 — Cape Blanco to Rocky Creek
South Coast
Segment 32 — Rocky Creek to Sisters Rock State Park
Segment 33 — Sisters Rock to Hubbard Mound
Segment 34 — Hubbard Mound to Cape Sebastian
Segment 35 — Cape Sebastian to Whiskey Creek
Segment 36 — Whiskey Creek to House Rock Creek
Segment 37 — House Rock Creek to Red Point
Segment 38 — Red Point to Terminus
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