Paulina Falls
A hike to the base of Paulina falls and the view point in Deschutes National Forest.

Waterfall Name: Paulina Falls
Waterfall Coordinates: 43.71222, -121.2825
Waterfall Elevation: 6232'
Access: Trail
Distance: 0.65 miles (round trip)
Elevation Range: 6149' to 6301'
Ascent/Descent: +99 ft/-106 ft
Trail Type: In and out
Trails: Paulina falls lower view trail
Outing Type: Day hike
Permits/Fees: Northwest forest pass required for parking at trailhead
Notes: There is an upper viewing platform that is more accesible to access or there is the trail that goes down to the base of the falls.
Location: Near Paulina Lake in Newberry National Volcanic Monument in Deschutes National Forest, Oregon, U.S.A.
Administration: Deschutes National Forest
Ranger District: Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District
Area: Newberry National Volcanic Monument
Date Accessed: October 3, 2024
After having already gone to Paulina Peak, East Lake, and Paulina Lake, we wrapped up the day by going to Paulina Falls. I didn't have high expectations for this waterfall and didn't expect it to be anything spectacular. Well I was wrong. We took the trail to the lower falls viewing area. It was a few switchbacks down the hillside to the bottom of the falls.

The time of day we went had the waterfalls perfectly lit by sunlight. It was stunning. I was surprised by how beautiful the waterfall was. There were two parts. After we finished taking pictures and enjoying the view we hiked back up the trail. There was really beautiful light green moss on the trees in this area.

Once we made it back to the top of the trail, we took another trail to the viewing platform thats on the same level as the falls. It was a cool view too, and more accessible. We followed the trail back to the trailhead and called it a day.
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