Trout Lake
Updated: Jun 17, 2024
A large lake with a great view of Mt Adams that is easily accessible near Trout Lake, Washington.

Lake Name: Trout Lake Lake Coordinates: 46.0100, -121.5499 Lake Elevation: 1925′ Access: Drive up and/or trail Distance: 0.45 miles (rt) *I only did part of the trail not the whole length. Elevation Range: 1936′ to 1959′ Ascent/Descent: +22 ft / -26 ft Trail Type: In and out Trail: Lake Trail Note: I didn’t hike the whole length of the Lake Trail, only a little bit of it, so the distance only reflects what I hiked. Location: Trout Lake Natural Reserve (not a part of Gifford Pinchot National Forest), Washington, U.S.A. Date Accessed: May 4, 2021

For the past year I have been trying to figure out if there is actually a “Trout Lake” in Trout Lake, WA. On all the maps from a distance, it shows a marsh area, but no indication of a body of water. I saw a road that looked like it went toward the reserve. It looked like my best bet to determine whether there was a lake or not. I also saw there was a short trail along one edge of the marsh area.

We drove to the end of Lake Rd and low and behold there was an actual lake! Not just a marshy area. There was an incredible view of Mt Adams.

I wasn’t feeling great, but I wanted to hike down some of the trail. It was a well worn trail with views through the trees out towards the lake. After a short walk we turned around and went back to the car. I’ll have to come back and hike the whole trail sometime.
We came back in the evening, after exploring elsewhere the rest of the day, to watch the sunset. There weren’t any pretty colors, but the lighting was good.

Note: The Natural Reserve falls under the Department of Natural Resources, not under the Forest Service.
Parking 1 (before narrow road to lake shore): 46.00589, -121.54837
Parking 2 (by lake not much room; road says “no turn around”): 46.00765, -121.55101
Best view of Mt Adams: 46.00764, -121.55093
Trailhead 1: 46.00704, -121.55021
Trailhead 2 (by parking 2): 46.00776, -121.55113
Where I turned around on trail: 46.00960, -121.55455

How to get there (from Trout Lake, WA)
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